St Mark’s choir has a long and loyal history of service to the Anglican Church in Highcliffe. The choir is currently led from the keyboard by Alison Hedger who values musicality and delivery of words to be of great importance. The aim of the choir is to lead the congregational singing and enhance the services by appropriate choices of a weekly motet or anthem. The choir have a motto hanging in the choir vestry:
”Singing is one of the essential ministries of the church.
It doesn’t need to be complicated - but it does but need to be from the heart!”
The choir meets weekly in the church, on Thursday evenings 7 - 8.30pm for practices of the hymns and other scheduled music. The choir are keen, good humoured and full of fun. Perhaps you may consider joining our number? Please come to any Thursday practice to either join in or watch. You will be made most welcome.

Our Motto - Singing From The Heart

Church Keyboard
The church keyboard which is currently used every week at the 10.00 Sunday Eucharist service, now has the very clever addition of much-needed lighting, an extended music stand, and a side shelf for books, papers etc. Seated at the instrument is the originator of these super add-ons, Andrew Taylor, tenor in the church choir. Andrew made these bespoke items for the instrument from spare items he had at home. Three cheers for Andrew who has made coping with the difficulties of playing a keyboard in poor lighting with a much-too-small music stand a thing of the past. I for one, am very grateful. Thank you Andrew.
Alison Hedger