Our Address

St Mark’s Church, Hinton Wood Avenue, Highcliffe, BH23 5AA

Car parking is on Hinton Wood Avenue and Church drive. Buses stop on Lymington Road. The nearest railway station is Hinton Admiral.

How to find us

The Parish Office

The parish office is the administrative centre for life event services (Baptisms, Confirmation, Banns, Weddings, Marriage Blessings and Funerals,) and is staffed by a part-time administrator who can be contacted via email at Parishoffice@stmarkshighcliffe.org.uk or by phone message on 01425 277614.

Church Opening Times

Tues -  7.00pm to 8pm - Informal Prayer Group
Wed -  11.00am - Holy Communion
Fri -      9.00am  to 9.30am - Silent Prayer
Sun  -  8.00am to 10.00 for Sunday Services


You can follow our regular updates, news feed and posts on Facebook.

‘Parish News’

A magazine is published 10 times a year, and contains news and views from various groups in the Church, as well as information about forthcoming events and regular features.

The magazine, which is printed ‘in house,’ and a colour version published or our website  is well supported by advertisements from local businesses.

It is always on sale in the foyer of the Church at 50p or by annual subscription of £5.