Highcliffe Christian Aid Group
My role at St Mark’s is simply acting as the Christian Aid (CA) representative and contact person. Over the many years St Mark’s has supported CA with the main focus always falling on Christian Aid week with numerous door to door envelope collections.
Often we would also have other CA local reps give an address in church with further encouragement to donate via envelopes in the pews.
Funds raised from the after church coffee/biscuits were also periodically given to CA.
Because of COVID-19 and also because we have all changed in how we shop or donate or use information from charities CA has changed its fund raising emphasis.
This year (2021) CA is celebrating 75 years of ministry and its core values and aims have not changed and remain to serve and support the poor in 37 different countries throughout the world. Supporting those in need regardless of colour or creed . Often disaster relief but also longer term regeneration projects.
CA would prefer supporters to commit to regular giving if possible as this makes forward planning of projects more achievable. Although one-off gifts are also welcome.
Details of how to give will appear from time to time here and in our Parish News.
Pandemic relief and the effects of global warming and climate change are 2 projects taking centre stage at the moment. Please follow what CA are doing to combat these issues which are threatening all our lives.
If anyone has further questions please feel free to contact Mike Goodman on mike@goodman.net.
Mike Goodman