Charitable Support Ministry Group
Members:- Sandra Channon – Chair, Bob Gilbertson, Mike Goodman, Christine Clode, David Cannings.
As members of St Mark’s church, we meet to coordinate the charitable giving of St Mark’s, advising the PCC, which has the final approval. Each of us has a particular concern for at least one of our regular charities, although other charities are supported at various times in response to particular need.
St Mark’s fellowship regularly supports Kinkiisi (Uganda) school and medical work, Christian Aid, The Children’s Society, Christchurch Food Bank, Workbox, Eve Project, Honeypot, Samaritan’s Purse Shoebox (online), Rotary Shoebox, Mission to Seafarers and The Salvation Army.
We would seek to keep the fellowship informed about the various charities and their work, by updates in the parish magazine or other means, so that St Mark’s members are able to offer prayerful support as well as financial. At particular times of the year, e.g. harvest or Christmas, we would discuss with the PCC the possibility of special donations.
The Charitable Support Group meets regularly a few days before each PCC meeting. We would welcome any church member wishing to lead a charitable project which has PCC approval.
Sandra Channon

Missions to seafarers
Since 2004 we have held a Fish & Chip Supper and Quiz Evening to support this worthy Christian Mission not quite annually, due to COVID. Prior to that we had held lunches, strawberry teas, tabletop sales and supported flag days. Seafarers were more in evidence in this community then; Southampton and Portsmouth were joining ports but flying out to join ships became more commonplace and seafarers could live anywhere, not just close to the coast.
With our enthusiastic Quiz Master, Gerwyn Davies, compiling challenging rounds of tricky questions our reputation grew and we filled the Church Hall each year, spreading the Word. This year (2023) Molly kindly assisted in the counting of scores. Importantly, we raised £825 which is a wonderful result. Thank you for attending or giving donations and prizes so generously. Many thanks to my super backup team who worked so hard setting up and clearing up. Brian Hatchard, Jennifer Walsh and Brenda Marvin didn’t have the backup of my daughters and son-in-law this time - they have always continued my husband Ian’s support for the Mission.
Our raffle was made most generously tempting by donated prizes: The Lord Bute, Tony Hair, The Catch and Holmsley Tea Roms.
We were pleased to have teams - from our Choir ( the winners! ), our Congregation, Highcliffe Rotary Club and St Michael and All Angels together with new and old friends in our Community. Thank you all so much.
Jackie P

2023 Fish & Chips Quiz Night.